What better way to kick off the new year than with a fun competition with your fellow Joy Lee archers.
This will be a great time to catch up with friends from other clubs, make new ones, and warm-up for the National Indoor in March.
The competition will consist of 30 arrows (10 ends of 3 arrows).
We will be offering a morning and an afternoon line so that we can accommodate everyone.
Archers in the Youth and Beginner divisions will shoot in the morning.
Intermediate, Advanced, and JDT divisions will shoot in the afternoon.
Please see below for which division you fit into.
If possible please attend the shooting designated for your division.
However we understand that this may not fit your schedule.
If this is the case, then you have the option select a shooting line of your choice.
You will still be competing in the same division though, just at a different time from the rest of those archers.
Please register at https://docs.google.com/forms/ d/1RpZRhpqG1F992MoED7cvZoa- VHphf3yOt_6xIC5fQ6I/viewform
Cost: $25.
Tournament fee can be paid onsite as either cash or check (made out to 'KSL International Archery Inc.')
Where: 21C church
622 N. Gillbert Street
Anaheim CA 92801
Anaheim CA 92801
When: Saturday, February 1st
Morning Line (Youth and Beginner Divisions)
8:30 am: Check-in and Equipment Inspection Open
9:30 am: Official Practice
10 am: Official Scoring
8:30 am: Check-in and Equipment Inspection Open
9:30 am: Official Practice
10 am: Official Scoring
Afternoon Line (Intermediate and Advanced Divisions)
12:00 pm: Check-in and Equipment Inspection
1:00 pm: Official Practice
1:30 pm: Official Scoring
12:00 pm: Check-in and Equipment Inspection
1:00 pm: Official Practice
1:30 pm: Official Scoring
For questions, please contact Keaton Chia | kchiarcher@gmail.com | 510.303.6402